
  • Summer Fun 2023

    Here at The Toy Guy, summer begins long before the calendar turns, the days get longer and we finally warm up a bit. We’ve been looking at new toys for this summer for a few months now, and we’re excited to share some of what we’ve found with you. As the world opens up again

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  • 8 Ways To Help Your Kids Make Healthy Choices

    Well, it’s spring, and soon it will be summer. For many kids it will be the end of the first full school year since the pandemic. And there have been a lot of changes in so many areas of our lives. As difficult as change can be for adults, it can be even more challenging

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  • Get Out & Play: In Love With The Backyard

      Yes, it’s finally warm. (And we’ve got the allergies to prove it as all the trees here seemed to bloom at once!) If you have a backyard, it’s time to think about making that a great destination for the family and kids this summer. Our friends at rounded up some of the best

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  • Toys for Easter and Spring 2023

    Spring is−and has been across cultures and millennia−a time of rebirth. One of my favorite myths of the season is the story of Persephone who in working out a challenging relationship between her husband and her mother ended up spending half the year in Hades and half the year on Mount Olympus. When she was

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  • Holiday Toys 2022: Here They Come!

    Here at The Toy Guy, like Santa, this is the time of year we prepare for the other nine months of the year. We look at literally hundreds and hundreds of toys every year, play with a bunch of them, and talk to kids and parents about what they want. After a couple of years

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  • Games for the Fall 2022

    Cooler weather? More family time? Pull out the games! Anyone who reads this site knows how much we love games. They provide a unique social experience, a great way to bring people together, and of course, fun. Recently, I had the chance to rediscover a board game with my family that we hadn’t played for

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  • All Play Is Learning (And Learning Can Be Fun)

    As we prepare for another school year, the first full year in the waning days of the pandemic, presumably, anticipation is high that this is going to be a “normal” year…whatever that is going to mean. Honestly, we don’t know. After all who had Monkeypox or the resurgence of polio on their 2022 bingo cards?Whatever

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  • Summer Toys Bring The Fun!

    Here it is summer of 2022. COVID-19 isn’t done with us yet, but people are a little more courageous about travel, thanks to vaccines and continued attention to being careful. However, prices for airfares, gas, and hotels are way up, so we’re predicting that vacations are going to be a bit shorter and perhaps a

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  • Springtime is Play Time!

    I don’t know about you, but this has seemed like a l-o-o-o-o-o-ong winter! From where I sit, I love to look out the window at the park below me, and one of the first things I always notice is how the light begins to change as the season changes. This year, it made me especially

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  • Get Outdoors Without Stress

    Even with cold weather, outdoor play is so important. For a change of scenery, the chance to run freely and, perhaps, even interact with other kids. And who doesn’t want a break from sitting on Zoom? Quite simply, we humans weren’t designed to be so sedentary. Fling open those doors and get outside. It will

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